In an article from Forbes, a survey was conducted in which
-64% of Millennials said it is a priority for them to make the world a better place. (While this is a noble cause, it take more work than most are willing to put in and it takes an immense amount of money).
-72% Said they want to be their own boss. (You will be a slave in the beginning).
-88% prefer a collaborative work culture vs a competitive one. (You have to have people pushing each other to the next level). “Pressure makes Diamonds”
-74% say they want a flexible work schedule.
-88% say they want work/life integration.

The above shows group agreement. If you look at history, you will see that group agreements almost always end up being wrong, and they are not good for the group.

You need to start with 3 things:
1. Define your purpose? What is the purpose? Of every project, meeting, phone call, etc.
2. Invest in you. Read books, listen to books, eat good/healthy foods, exercise, and cut out the things that are bad for you.
3. Take massive action. Get around other people that are taking massive action, it will help push you.


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