Your health is imperative to your overall success. You may be thinking to yourself, “I know or know of a ton of people that have great success and they do little to nothing in regards to their health.” It is indeed possible to have success in one or more area of your life without looking after your health much. However, in the big picture, it generally is short term (months to years) vs life time. Your health can truly dictate the level of success you have in your life. It’s funny how people will talk about health. They will say they are healthy because of this reason or that reason. They talk about health in the same way many people talk about success. They believe that if they are healthy or successful in one area, they are overall healthy or successful. Sadly, this just isn’t true. To be a successful person you need to be successful in many ares not just one or two. Your overall health is determined by the following: Diet, Sleep, Fitness/Exercise, and Mental/Mindset. While you can excel in one area of health, it doesn’t make you healthy. Combining them will produce a synergetic effect. Meaning when you combine 2 or more of them together you get a result greater than the sum. You must incorporate all of the areas to be truly successful in your health.